

Women's Prison Network (WPN) is a free quarterly zine by and for Women, Trans, Youth and Loved Ones involved with prisons in Canada.

This publication is dedicated to providing a space for those in prisons and their supporters to communicate with each other and the broader public about the issues and experiences prisoners face through art, poetry, stories, news, support resources, health and harm reduction information.

Women's Prison Network - Issue #33

Women's Prison Network
Issue #33
Winter 2023-24

Women's Prison Network - Issue #34

Women's Prison Network
Issue #34
Spring 2024

Women's Prison Network - Issue #35

Women's Prison Network
Issue #35
Summer 2024

Women's Prison Network - Issue #36

Women's Prison Network
Issue #36
Fall 2024

Women's Prison Network - Issue #29

Women's Prison Network
Issue #29
Winter 2022-23

Women's Prison Network - Issue #30

Women's Prison Network
Issue #30
Spring 2023

Women's Prison Network - Issue #31

Women's Prison Network
Issue #31
Summer 2023

Women's Prison Network - Issue #32

Women's Prison Network
Issue #32
Fall 2023

Women's Prison Network - Issue #25

Women's Prison Network
Issue #25
Winter 2021-22

Women's Prison Network - Issue #26

Women's Prison Network
Issue #26
Spring 2022

Women's Prison Network - Issue #27

Women's Prison Network
Issue #27
Summer 2022

Women's Prison Network - Issue #28

Women's Prison Network
Issue #28
Fall 2022

Women's Prison Network - Issue #21

Women's Prison Network
Issue #21
Winter 2020-21

Women's Prison Network - Issue #22

Women's Prison Network
Issue #22
Spring 2021

Women's Prison Network - Issue #23

Women's Prison Network
Issue #23
Summer 2021

Women's Prison Network - Issue #24

Women's Prison Network
Issue #24
Fall 2021

Women's Prison Network - Issue #17

Women's Prison Network
Issue #17
Winter 2019-20

Women's Prison Network - Issue #18

Women's Prison Network
Issue #18
Spring 2020

Women's Prison Network - Issue #19

Women's Prison Network
Issue #19
Summer 2020

Women's Prison Network - Issue #20

Women's Prison Network
Issue #20
Fall 2020

Women's Prison Network - Issue #13

Women's Prison Network
Issue #13
Winter 2018-19

Women's Prison Network - Issue #14

Women's Prison Network
Issue #14
Spring 2019

Women's Prison Network - Issue #15

Women's Prison Network
Issue #15
Summer 2019

Women's Prison Network - Issue #16

Women's Prison Network
Issue #16
Fall 2019

Women's Prison Network - Issue #9

Women's Prison Network
Issue #9
Winter 2017-18

Women's Prison Network - Issue #10

Women's Prison Network
Issue #10
Spring 2018

Women's Prison Network - Issue #11

Women's Prison Network
Issue #11
Summer 2018

Women's Prison Network - Issue #12

Women's Prison Network
Issue #12
Fall 2018

Women's Prison Network - Issue #5

Women's Prison Network
Issue #5
Winter 2016-17

Women's Prison Network - Issue #6

Women's Prison Network
Issue #6
Spring 2017

Women's Prison Network - Issue #7

Women's Prison Network
Issue #7
Summer 2017

Women's Prison Network - Issue #8

Women's Prison Network
Issue #8
Fall 2017

Women's Prison Network - Issue #1

Women's Prison Network
Issue #1
Winter 2015-16

Women's Prison Network - Issue #2

Women's Prison Network
Issue #2
Spring 2016

Women's Prison Network - Issue #3

Women's Prison Network
Issue #3
Summer 2016

Women's Prison Network - Issue #4

Women's Prison Network
Issue #4
Fall 2016


How to Print these Zine Booklets:

  • These zines print double-sided on 4 pages of regular paper.
  • Then it's folded in half, resulting in 16 sides.

Full printing instructions are detailed here:

WPN - Mailout Dates

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